What We Do
We have 10+ years of experience to design, test, and produce any electrical design. We work close with our clients on their requirements and brain-storm together to take a viable design from proof-of-concept to production. We’ll also work with you at any stage of your development from idea or working prototype that needs refinement. We have developed products that include WiFi, Bluetooth, sensors of all kinds, battery management, rechargeable batteries, buttons, LEDs, power management, and much more!
You managed to develop a working prototype but need to know how to bring it to the next level, we’re here to help! There are a lot of ducks to put in a row when deciding to more to production which include reviewing the design for manufacturability, developing a test plan and supporting text fixtures, drafting technical documentation, and overall production support. Let us lighten the load and guide you through the process of mass production!
Not every project is meant for mass production and we are here to support the one-off projects that have a huge impact. Whether you are an artist with a grand idea that requires electronics to realize your vision or boutique theme park design company requiring electrical integration, we can help seamlessly integrate electronics into your project. We also have in-house CNC machining, laser cutting, and 3D printing capabilities to rapidly develop parts along with your finished electronics. Learn more about specialty project support here.